1/2 Beef = 300-350 lbs hanging weight

Availability: SOLD

1/4 Beef = 147.5 lbs hanging weight

Availability: SOLD

    Barbecue season will soon be here and we hope you are considering including some delicious beef in your menu planning.

We ask that if you are interested in purchasing a quarter, half or a whole beef from us, that you let us know the quantity and date you would like to have it, as soon as possible. This allows us to better plan our availability schedule. Our halves and quarters are all mixed, which means that the customer will receive cuts from both the hind and front ends. When ordering a quarter, there is an additional $20 charge added per order, due to the abattoir splitting the half evenly for each quarter. We have been able to keep the price increase to a minimum.

Final price is based on hanging weight and as always it will include the cost of cutting and wrapping. Keep in mind that the hanging weight is not the amount of beef you will be receiving. There is a 15 % - 20% loss once the animal is trimmed and of course it depends on how the customer has it cut. This is not a confirmation, if you indicate you would like to purchase beef this year and something comes up and you aren’t able to or you change your mind, we understand that life happens. We just ask that you let us know as soon as possible so we can offer it to another customer. We will still be contacting you just prior to (approx 10 - 14 days) the animal going in, for a final confirmation at which time we will request a $200 deposit.

Once we receive the hanging weight of the animal, we will contact you with the weight and the amount that will be due, based on the amount you are receiving (quarter or half) and provide you with the cut instruction sheet. We request that it be returned within 2 weeks, so we have time to review it and contact you with any questions we may have regarding your order and if necessary, make any adjustments. If the customer has requested a quarter, we must match up the cuts up from each quarter, so the half is cut the same. This requires a bit of give and take from each party, at times, but we do our best to get the majority of the cuts that are requested. We do encourage our customers to find another family member or friend to split a half with, and that avoids the compromising of cuts.

Please contact for pricing, availability, dates and other details, or to have your name added to our contact list.

Click here to send an email : karen.paszternak@gmail.com